Sunday 21 August 2016

My Homemade Guacamole

My go-to recipe for fresh, homemade guacamole.  A simple mix of avocado, spring onion, coriander/cilantro, tomato and lime - perfect for dunking chips in, topping a burger with or as a side for brunch.

I love snacking, don't you?!  It's even better when what you're snacking on is actually pretty healthy and not just a bag of crisps or other junk, right?  Cue fanfare and enter homemade guacamole and tortilla chips!  The best thing about both of these is that you can make a fairly decent size batch of both which will keep for days in airtight containers so you always have something to hand if you need something to nibble on.

Everyone who loves guac probably has their own prefect recipe.  I'm sure it's tasty but I'm telling you, mine is the tastiest ;)  I've been lazy and bought guacamole from the supermarket but it really doesn't compare to making it from scratch - homemade is much more fresh and zingy taste than anything made on a production line.

My go-to recipe for fresh, homemade guacamole.  A simple mix of avocado, spring onion, coriander/cilantro, tomato and lime - perfect for dunking chips in, topping a burger with or as a side for brunch.

My go-to recipe for fresh, homemade guacamole.  A simple mix of avocado, spring onion, coriander/cilantro, tomato and lime - perfect for dunking chips in, topping a burger with or as a side for brunch.

All you need to whip up your own guacamole is:

8 small vine tomatoes, de-seeded and chopped into small pieces
4 spring onions, finely chopped
1 ripe avocado, cut into small cubes
1 lime (use to taste, I use about half while I'm cutting the avocado up and up to another half while mixing)
about 15-20 coriander leaves, finely chopped

Now this is just a guideline - if you prefer guac to be more onion-y, add more spring onions.  If you like it spicy, add some finely diced chills.  It's a really versatile recipe and so easy to make it "your own".  This will make about two decent servings (depending on how hungry you are!).

Put everything in a bowl and mash up with a fork to the consistency you like (I like mine chunky).  I sprinkle lime juice on the avocado straight after I cut it up to prevent it from browning so find I don't need to add to much more to the bowl once I've mashed everything up.

So easy!

As for the homemade tortilla chips, these are also super easy.  I like to use corn tortillas as they seem to have a better texture than plain flour tortillas.

A photo posted by Laura @ Me & Mr Jones (@lauraeclupton) on

Heat the oven to 180C.  Rub a little olive oil on each side of the tortillas, stack them up, slice them into triangles.    Place the tortilla triangles onto a foil lined tray, sprinkle with salt and bake for a few minutes.  I can't be more specific than "a few minutes" because it's the sort of thing you need to keep an eye on.  Once the edges start to turn golden brown, take them out of the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.  They will feel a little soft once you take them out of the oven but they crisp up once they cool down.
MUCH healthier than fried tortilla chips and you can control the amount of salt you put on them (or not, in my case - I like 'em salty!).

So there you go!  Besides dunking chips in, what else do you smother with guacamole?  Burgers? On your brunch plate next to toast and eggs?

My go-to recipe for fresh, homemade guacamole.  A simple mix of avocado, spring onion, coriander/cilantro, tomato and lime - perfect for dunking chips in, topping a burger with or as a side for brunch.


  1. Ooooh this looks delicious! I'd never thought to use spring onions before, would be less harsh than others. Will have to give this a go.

    1. Onions don't agree with me so much which is why I use spring onions - still a hint of onion but much milder!

  2. Oohhh I am gonna try this ...I on the other hand love onion!!

    1. I'm a bit sensitive to full on onion so look for alternatives but would love to hear from you if you try this out with white or red onions!



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