Saturday 13 May 2017

Birthday Adventures aka Best Day of my Life!

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Boy, oh boy have I had the best birthday, no, DAY of my life!  

Mr Jones is ridiculously good at present buying and always manages to find me the perfect things no matter how small or large - a book he thinks I'd love from a charity shop, a candy making class, a beautiful necklace...I was particularly excited for my birthday this year after he emailed me a detailed itinerary with three adventures involving three of my favourite things and an intriguing "costume change" at the end of the day.  Yes, I had an itinerary for my birthday.  We love a good itinerary.

But I was stumped.  A day with three of my favourite things?  Hell, I couldn't even think of three of my favourite things (except kittens, that's a given!).  What on earth would I be doing?!
The day arrived and I was still clueless as to what we'd be doing for the day.  All I knew was that we were starting the day with a trip to the local greasy spoon.  A birthday princess needs fuel for a day of adventuring, right?!

Food consumed, train boarded and it was time for my first "briefing"...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!  Cat cafe?!  Yes!  I've wanted to go to one for aaaaaaages!

We took a wander from Old Street station then down some very "Shoreditch" lanes and then all of a sudden - cats!

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Mr Jones made it quite clear that I was not allowed to take one home which was just rude considering it was my birthday but to be fair, I don't think I actually had enough space in my bag for all of them.

Before we got to eat cake and hang out with furry friends we had to take off our shoes and sanitise our hands.  We were then led downstairs past a giant cat tree to our table which was made out of a giant slice of tree trunk.

This is Misty - she wanted to join in the birthday celebrations as well...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

The kitties had a "safe spot" which is where they can go and nap in peace without pesky humans bothering them.  

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

We had another visitor who rudely tried to steal some of my "Unicorns are Real" cake which was rich and sweet and massive and sooooo good with the chai tea latte I ordered so don't blame the attempted theft...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

It was so much fun watching the cats come and go, stroking them as they passed and then getting cat envy when one went and sat on the lap of the guy sitting behind us.  Mind you, I did have a pretty full on cat experience when I visited the facilities.  Having two kitties at home I'm completely used to not being able to go to the toilet without a cat wanting to come into the bathroom but have to say it was quite the experience to have two very friendly cats in a strange loo wanting to make friends!  The crazy cat lady in me was pretty chuffed though.

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

With our hour finished at the cafe it was time to move on to the next "briefing".

Still completely unaware of what was coming, I followed Mr Jones to Covent Garden where we stopped for a refreshing pint.

And then came adventure 2...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Oh. My. God.  I was going to be in the same room as David Tennant!  Ok, I'd be watching him play the title character in  "Don Juan in Soho" but I was going to be in the same room as David Tennant!!!  I was *this* close to having a bit of a happy sob if I'm totally honest.

Having only been to the theatre once before I wasn't really sure what to expect but what a beautiful place Wyndhams Theatre was!   The seats were awesome and it gave us a perfect view of the stage. 

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

The play was absolutely brilliant - funny, lively and very naughty - and it was David Tennant as I've never seen him before (I saw his pants).  I loved it so much I'm considering going back to see it again before it closes...

On an utter high, I was then taken to the next and final "briefing".  Mr Jones took me to a pub and said to order some drinks, he just needed to go and collect something.  That something was the mystery costume change.

When he returned 10 minutes later with a bag, he asked me if I wanted to change first or find out where we were going first.  Considering I'd be changing in the loos and then walking back through the pub, I wanted to get an inkling of what I would actually be emerging in.

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

And so the final briefing was...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

And don't you think he did an excellent job getting the costume together?!  He even secretly got my mum and sis involved to help out and everything was planned down to the tiniest of detail!

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

I'm so glad we were in a city like London because at first I felt really self conscious sitting on the tube wearing the outfit but no one batted an eye and I quickly embraced the new Moulin Rouge me!

I hadn't known anything about Secret Cinema before so really had no idea what to expect or even what was going to happen.  I assumed it was sort of a Moulin Rouge sing-along with everyone in costume watching the film but it was so, so, so, SO, much more.  I would love to rave about every single detail and thing but the absinthe fairy swore me to secrecy.  All I can say is that once we walked down the steps of the Metropolitan we were transported to 1899 Montmartre, we drank champagne, danced like loons, sung as loud as our lungs would let us and I haven't stopped smiling since...

Birthday adventures in London - a trip to a cat cafe in Shoreditch, Don Juan in Soho at the Wyndhams Theatre and finally, Moulin Rouge at Secret Cinema.

Mr Jones, you did good.  You're my hero for planning such a stunning, spectacular and special day for me - love you!


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